Days [ ) Cherry trees | Pablo Neruda / Nobuyoshi Araki

photos by Nobuyoshi Araki, Tokyo, 2013

“I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees.”
Pablo Neruda

What attracts you to the cherry blossoms in particular?

Nobuyoshi Araki: Flowers are there for me to love, and cherry blossoms are the top of their kind. I can’t quite put my affection for them into words, and that’s why it continues to hold a special place in my photographs. When standing under the old trees, the layers of flower petals look like women’s underwear, transparent to the sky above.

2 thoughts on “Days [ ) Cherry trees | Pablo Neruda / Nobuyoshi Araki

  1. “Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”

    Valentin Louis Georges Eugène Marcel Proust

  2. La vie est une cerise
    La mort est un noyau
    L'amour un cerisier

    Jacques Prévert


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