Instant Views [o.] Self-Portraits | Man Ray, 1916-32
Man Ray: Self-Portrait with Gun, 1932
“MAN RAY, n.m. synon. de Joie jouer jouir.”
( “MAN RAY, masculine noun, synonymous with joy, to play, to enjoy.”)
— Marcel Duchamp, as the opening epigram for Man Ray’s memoir Self-Portrait, 1963
It has never been my object to record my dreams, just the determination to realize them.
/ Exhibition catalog / April 1945
l paint what cannot be photographed, and l photograph what l do not wish to paint.
/ The Rigour of Imagination / 1977
There is no progress in art, any more than there is progress in making love. There are simply different ways of doing it.
/ To Be Continued, Unnoticed / 1948
Inspiration then information; each validates the other.
/ Originals Graphics Multiples / 1973
Unconcerned but not indifferent
/ Epitaph / Words he'd often said of himself.
Man Ray