Painters [*/ ) By the sea | Paintings by August Strindberg (1873-1903)

By the sea | Paintings by August Strindberg  (1873-1903)
August Strindberg, Sunset, 1892
Seglare+August Strindberg
August Strindberg, Seglare, 1873

august strindberg flower by the shore 1893

August Strindberg Flower by the Shore, 1873

August Strindberg, The Birch Tree, 1902              August Strindberg, Seascape, 1894
  August Strindberg, Stormy Sea. Broom Buoy, 1892           August Strindberg, The Town, 1903
August%2BStrindberg%2B %2BPackis%2Bi%2Bstranden%2B1892

August Strindberg, Packis i stranden, 1892

“I am everywhere, in the ocean which is my blood,
in the hills which are my bones”

August Strindberg


August Strindberg, Sunset Over the Sea, 1903         August Strindberg, Wave VII, 1901

August Strindberg, Sunset, c. 1873

2 thoughts on “Painters [*/ ) By the sea | Paintings by August Strindberg (1873-1903)

  1. We, we waves,
    That are rocking the winds
    To rest–
    Green cradles, we waves!

    Wet are we, and salty;
    Leap like flames of fire–
    Wet flames are we:
    Burning, extinguishing;
    Cleansing, replenishing;
    Bearing, engendering.

    We, we waves,
    That are rocking the winds
    To rest!

    August Strindberg / We waves / Trans. Edwin Björkman


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