Stereosc2pe + | The mystery / Willy Otto Zielke / Maurice Tabard / Elizabeth Bowen

Willy Otto Zielke, 1939

“No object is mysterious. The mystery is your eye” 

 Elizabeth Bowen

Maurice Tabard

2 thoughts on “Stereosc2pe + | The mystery / Willy Otto Zielke / Maurice Tabard / Elizabeth Bowen

  1. Voyer

    Curiosity is gluttony. To see is to devour.
    Victor Hugo / Les Misérables / 1862

    She looked out the window; in her eyes was the light that you see only in children arriving at a new place, or in young people still open to new influences, still curious about the world because they have not yet been scarred by life.”
    Orhan Pamuk / The Museum of Innocence / 2008

    Εverything is more beautiful reflected in your eyes
    Jeff Thomas / Pon and Zi / [webcomic ]


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