Instant Views [o.] Kids in the Streets of New York | Photos by Helen Levitt, 1939 -1950
Helen Levitt, 1947
Helen Levitt, New York, 1939 Helen Levitt, Kid in tree with mask, New York, 1940
Helen Levitt, Four girls running in the street, New York, 1950
Helen Levitt, Greeting at the Window, 1940 Helen Levitt, Two girls on a truck, 1948
Helen Levitt, New York, 1940
Helen Levitt, New York
Helen Levitt, New York, 1942
“If it were easy to talk about, I’d be a writer. Since I’m inarticulate,
I express myself with images.”
“I never had a “project.” I would go out and shoot, follow my eyes—
what they noticed, I tried to capture with my camera, for others to see.”
what they noticed, I tried to capture with my camera, for others to see.”
Helen Levitt, 1913-2009.
Helen Levitt was an American photographer. She was particularly noted for “street photography” around New York City, and has been called “the most celebrated and least known photographer of her time.
Play Street / NY / 1965 / dir. Donald Hunt