Everything that is hidden | James Joyce to Nora Barnacle, 1909

Nora%2BBarnacle%2B%252C%2BJames%2BJoyce 1931
Nora Barnacle, James Joyce, 1931
“I always think of you.
When I go to bed at night is a kind of torture for me.
Do not write on this page, what fills my mind,
the real madness of desire.
I see you in a hundred poses, shameful, virginal, languid, immodest.
Give yourself entirely, all, when we meet again.
Everything that is hidden to others, you have to give it to me.
I want to be Lord of your body and your spirit.”
James Joyce
excerpt from a letter Joyce sent to Nora Barnacle, 1909
( muse and wife of author James Joyce)

1 thought on “Everything that is hidden | James Joyce to Nora Barnacle, 1909

  1. 15 August, 1904

    My dear Nora,

    It has just struck me. I came in at half past eleven. Since then I have been sitting in an easy chair like a fool. I could do nothing. I hear nothing but your voice. I am like a fool hearing you call me 'Dear.' I offended two men today by leaving them coolly. I wanted to hear your voice, not theirs.

    When I am with you I leave aside my contemptuous, suspicious nature. I wish I felt your head on my shoulder. I think I will go to bed.

    I have been a half-hour writing this thing. Will you write something to me? I hope you will. How am I to sign myself? I won't sign anything at all, because I don't know what to sign myself.

    Dublin 2 December 1909

    Nora, my faithful darling, my seet-eyed blackguard schoolgirl, be my whore, my mistress, as much as you like (my little frigging mistress! My little fucking whore!) you are always my beautiful wild flower of the hedges, my dark-blue rain-drenched flower.


    Bid Adieu To Girlish Days / James Joyce / / Kevin McDermott / Ralph Richey

    Bid adieu, adieu, adieu,
    Bid adieu to girlish days,
    Happy Love is come to woo
    Thee and woo thy girlish ways —
    The zone that doth become thee fair,
    The snood upon thy yellow hair.

    When thou hast heard his name upon
    The bugles of the cherubim
    Begin thou softly to unzone
    Thy girlish bosom unto him
    And softly to undo the snood
    That is the sign of maidenhood.

    James Joyce/ Bid adieu / Chamber Music / 1907


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