Photos & Design | György & Juliet Kepes, 1930 – 49
György Kepes, The Two Faces of Juliet, 1938
György Kepes: Juliet, 1937
György Kepes and Juliet Kepes working on their nursery (Ralph Morse, 1949)
Éva Besnyő : Kepes György, 1930-32
György Kepes, Juliet’s Shadow Caged, 1939
György Kepes, Juliet’s Shadow Caged, 1938
György Kepes (1906 – 2001) was a Hungarian-born painter, designer, educator and art theorist. After emigrating to the U.S. in 1937, he taught design at the New Bauhaus (later the School of Design, then Institute of Design, then Illinois Institute of Design or IIT) in Chicago. In 1967 He founded the Center for Advanced Visual Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where he taught until his retirement in 1974.
The British-born wife of Gyorgy Kepes, the influential artist and theorist, Juliet Kepes was trained at the Chicago Institute of Design (known then and now as the New Bauhaus), and worked as an artist in a number of fields relating to children, designing environmental spaces, murals, sculpture and textiles, among other things, sometimes in collaboration with her husband.