Russian Avant Garde Film Posters | The Stenberg Brothers (1920-30)

Man2BWith2BA2BMovie2BCameraMan2BWith2BA2BMovie2BCamera 1
 Man With A Movie Camera (Dziga Vertov, 1929)
* The Eleventh Year (Dziga Vertov, 1928)
** Countess Shirvanskaya’s Crime (Ivan Perestiani, 1926)
The General (Buster Keaton, 1926)
Vladimir2Band2BGeorgii2BStenbergVladimir2Band2BGeorgii2BStenberg 1
* High Society Wager / The Weather Station (Carl Froelich, 1923)
** Which of the Two / Manhunt (Nunzio Malasomma, 1926)
* The Last Flight (Ivan Pravov, 1929)
** In Spring (Mikhail Kaufman, 1929)
* The Boxer’s Bride (Johannes Guter, 1926)

** The Punch / Scrap Iron (Charles Ray, 1921)

* Sep (Mikhail Verner and Pavel Armand, 1929)
** The Pounded Cutlet (Snub Pollard, 1926)
Man from the Forest (Georgy Stabovoy, 1928)     The Green Alley (Richard Oswal, 1928)

 Vladimir and Georgii Stenberg in front of some of their posters, 1928
Born in 1899 and 1900 respectively, Vladimir and Georgii both studied engineering and fine arts
at Stroganoff School of Applied Art. They began working as sculptors, architects and designed
railway carriages and theatre sets, among other things, before going on to design hundreds of
cinema posters for films, from documentaries to Buster Keaton comedies. Some suggest that
a key to their graphic success was their deep-rooted knowledge of the theories and methods
of theatre and film-making.
The brothers created more than 300 cinema posters in the decade before Georgii’s death in 1933.
Vladimir continued to design film posters, though with less distinction, and was appointed
Chief Designer for Moscow’s Red Square. He died in 1982.

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