Photographers [Oo] Personal Details | Photos by Paul Schuitema, 1928 -31


Paul Schuitema, Self-Portrait 1929-1931                     Paul Schuitema, Self-Portrait in a mirror with Dick Elffers behind the camera, 1928

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Paul Schuitema, Pins, 1929                           Paul Schuitema, Playing Gramophone, 1929

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Paul Schuitema, 1928-1930                             Paul Schuitema, 1929-1930
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 Paul Schuitema, 1928-1930

Paul Schuitema (1897-1973) was a Dutch graphic artist. He also designed furniture and expositions and worked as photographer, film director, painter and teacher for publicity design at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague.
After the first World War, Schuitema left painting and embraced early modernism: his interest in mass production and technology lead him to apply the principals of de Stijl, Constructivism and Bauhaus to advertising and print media.
He was a member of Kurt Schwitter’s Ring neue Werbegestalter (Circle of New Advertising Designers), which included contemporaries Piet ZwartLászló Moholy-NagyHerbert Bayer and Jan Tschichold.

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Paul Schuitema, 1942

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