Recognize yourself / Reconnais-toi | A poem by Guillaume Apollinaire, 1915
Guillaume Apollinaire, calligram, extrait from the poem of February 9th, 1915 Lou (Louise de Coligny-Châtillon)
Recognize yourself
This adorable person it is you
Under the big hat boater
Your Mouth
Here is the oval of your face
Your Delicious neck
Here is finally imperfect image of your adored bust
Seen as through a cloud
A little more low it is your heart which beats
9th February, 1915
Cette adorable personne c’est toi
Sous le grand chapeau canotier
Ta Bouche
Voici l’ovale de ta figure
Ton cou Exquis
Voici enfin l’imparfaite image de ton buste adoré
Vu comme à travers un nuage
Un peu plus bas c’est ton coeur qui bat
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