Writers playing Chess | Helen Keller / Hans Fallada / Ingeborg Bachmann / Fernando Pessoa / Vladimir Nabokov / Neal Cassady
Vladimir Nabokov playing chess with his wife Véra
Hermann Hesse with his third wife, Ninon playing chess
Vladimir and Véra Nabokov Playing Chess on Balcony at Montreux Palace, 1964
Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan playing chess, 1899
* Helen Keller (1880 – 1968) was an American author, political activist, and lecturer.
She was the first deafblind person to earn a bachelor of arts degree.
She was the first deafblind person to earn a bachelor of arts degree.
Leo Tolstoy playing chess with the son of his friend and publisher Vladimir Chertkov, 1907
George Bernard Shaw and his wife playing chess, 1907, by Alfred Stieglitz
Bertolt Brecht and Walter Benjamin playing chess, Denmark, Skovsbostrand, 1934
Young Andrei Tarkovsky playing chess with his father – the poet Arseny Tarkovsky, 1947
4 thoughts on “Writers playing Chess | Helen Keller / Hans Fallada / Ingeborg Bachmann / Fernando Pessoa / Vladimir Nabokov / Neal Cassady”