Tangier / Samuel Beckett on Holidays | Photos by François-Marie Banier, 1978

François-Marie Banier: Samuel Beckett, Tangier, Morocco, 1978
“The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new.”
Samuel Beckett, Murphy, 1938

Samuel Beckett, Tangier, Morocco (which he visited with his wife, Suzanne Deschevaux-Dumesnil), 1978

Samuel Beckett, Tangier, Morocco, 1978 – by François-Marie Banier

François-Marie Banier: Samuel Beckett, Tangier, Morocco, 1978
François-Marie Banier: Samuel Beckett, Tangier, Morocco, 1978
The photographer François-Marie Banier when he encountered Samuel Beckett
on that waterfront promenade in 1978, he had no idea of his identity – he was simply
struck by the man’s heron gait and angular, striding figure. The two became friends,
remaining in touch until Beckett’s death.

François-Marie Banier: Samuel Beckett, Tangier, Morocco, 1978
François-Marie Banier: Samuel Beckett, Tangier, Morocco, 1978
Book//mark – The Unnamable | Samuel Beckett, 1953
One evening | Samuel Beckett, 1929-89
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