Photographers [Oo] New York | Photos by Rudy Burckhardt, 1939 -57

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Rudy Burckhardt, Broadway Toward Union Square, 1947                                                  Rudy Burckhardt, Flatiron Building, Summer, 1948
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Rudy Burckhardt, A View From Brooklyn I, 1954                           Rudy Burckhardt, A View From Brooklyn II, 1954
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Rudy Burckhardt, Snail and Can Opener, 1950                      Rudy Burckhardt, Untitled (Bird’s Eye), 1945
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Rudy Burckhardt, Sir Walter Raleigh, 1945

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Joseph Cornell, Rudy Burckhardt, Nymphlight, 1957                          Rudy Burckhardt, Anarchitecture, 1947
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Rudy Burckhardt, Jackson Pollock Painting, 1950                    Rudy Burckhardt, Three Italians, 1955
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Rudy Burckhardt, Larry Rivers and Kenneth Koch with poem-painting New York                           Rudy Burckhardt, Hot Roast Beef Sandwich 25 Cents, 1939

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Rudy Burckhardt,  Port of Spain, Trinidad (basket, fruit in wooden boxes), 1942-43

Rudy Burckhardt (1914-99)
Swiss-American filmmaker, and photographer, known for his photographs of hand-painted billboards which began to dominate the American landscape in the nineteen-forties and fifties.
“New York was different. Arriving here in 1935, at age 21, I was overwhelmed by its grandeur and ceaseless energy. I felt this was the place where I wanted to stay. The tremendous difference in scale between the soaring buildings and people moving against them in the street astonished me, and it took a couple of years before I felt ready to photograph.”
Rudy Burckhardt
Rudy Burckhardt, Legs of two women crossing next to sidewalk skylights, New York, 1939
“New York is an ugly city, a dirty city. Its climate is a scandal, its politics are used to frighten children, its traffic is madness, its competition is murderous.  But there is one thing about it – once you have lived in New York and it has become your home, no place else is good enough.”
John Steinbeck, America and Americans and Selected Nonfiction

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