Photographers [Oo] New York | Photos by Rudy Burckhardt, 1939 -57
Rudy Burckhardt, Broadway Toward Union Square, 1947 Rudy Burckhardt, Flatiron Building, Summer, 1948
Rudy Burckhardt, A View From Brooklyn I, 1954 Rudy Burckhardt, A View From Brooklyn II, 1954
Rudy Burckhardt, Snail and Can Opener, 1950 Rudy Burckhardt, Untitled (Bird’s Eye), 1945
Joseph Cornell, Rudy Burckhardt, Nymphlight, 1957 Rudy Burckhardt, Anarchitecture, 1947
Rudy Burckhardt, Larry Rivers and Kenneth Koch with poem-painting New York Rudy Burckhardt, Hot Roast Beef Sandwich 25 Cents, 1939
Rudy Burckhardt, Port of Spain, Trinidad (basket, fruit in wooden boxes), 1942-43
Rudy Burckhardt (1914-99)
Swiss-American filmmaker, and photographer, known for his photographs of hand-painted billboards which began to dominate the American landscape in the nineteen-forties and fifties.
“New York was different. Arriving here in 1935, at age 21, I was overwhelmed by its grandeur and ceaseless energy. I felt this was the place where I wanted to stay. The tremendous difference in scale between the soaring buildings and people moving against them in the street astonished me, and it took a couple of years before I felt ready to photograph.”
Rudy Burckhardt
“New York is an ugly city, a dirty city. Its climate is a scandal, its politics are used to frighten children, its traffic is madness, its competition is murderous. But there is one thing about it – once you have lived in New York and it has become your home, no place else is good enough.”
John Steinbeck, America and Americans and Selected Nonfiction
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