Serge Gainsbourg | Photos by Roger Kasparian / Paris, 1963

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Roger Kasparian, Serge Gainsbourg, Paris, 1963


“The most interesting character I photographed in those days was probably Serge Gainsbourg. All these new bands were quite easy to work with, since we were all innocents and the purpose was to do the best pictures for them but also for me. Serge Gainsbourg was a little bit older. He had become a key part of the Rive Gauche scene ,where he first started, but he was bottoming when I met him. He had also the feeling that all these new rhythms from US and UK would definitely change the music industry and Philips/Fontana (the label he was signed on) had already asked him to work on songs for these new french “idols”. So he called me in order to make some pictures for the press, he knew pretty well what image he wanted to show, really easy to picture.
By the end of the day, he told me “they want me to make some “soup” (easy songs) for the Yéyés , I will then I will buy me a Rolls Royce and write erotic songs”. It was in 1963 ! ”

Roger Kasparian, Serge Gainsbourg, Paris, 1963

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Roger Kasparian, Serge Gainsbourg at a newsstand, Place Victor Hugo, Paris, 1963
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Roger Kasparian, Serge Gainsbourg, Paris, 1963
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Roger Kasparian, Serge Gainsbourg, Paris, 1963

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