The dancer Nikolska / Acropolis | Photos by Nelly’s, 1929
Nelly’s, Hungarian dancer Nikolska, 1929
Nelly’s, Hungarian dancer Nikolska, 1929
Nelly’s, Hungarian dancer Nikolska, 1929
Nelly’s, Hungarian dancer Nikolska, 1929
Nelly’s, Hungarian dancer Nikolska, 1929
Despite adverse criticism for her nude photos of dancer Mona Paiva at the Parthenon (1927) >
she photographed the semi-nude Hungarian dancer Nikolska again at the Parthenon in 1929,
this time with greater success.
H Nelly´ς και ο σύζυγός της Άγγελος Σεραϊδάρης μπροστά από τις Καρυάτιδες, 1929