Instant Views [o.] The Little Screens | Photos by Lee Friedlander (1961 – 69)
Lee Friedlander, Philadelphia, 1961
Lee Friedlander, Florida, 1963
Lee Friedlander, Florida, 1963 Lee Friedlander, Florida, 1963
![Instant Views [o.] The Little Screens | Photos by Lee Friedlander (1961 - 69) 5 Instant Views [o.] The Little Screens | Photos by Lee Friedlander (1961 - 69) Baltimore252C2B1962]()
Lee Friedlander, Baltimore, 1962
![Instant Views [o.] The Little Screens | Photos by Lee Friedlander (1961 - 69) 5 Instant Views [o.] The Little Screens | Photos by Lee Friedlander (1961 - 69) Baltimore252C2B1962](
Lee Friedlander, Baltimore, 1962
Lee Friedlander, New City, 1969 Lee Friedlander, Washington, D.C., 1962
Lee Friedlander, The Little Screens Lee Friedlander, Pennsylvania, 1969
Lee Friedlander, Nashville, 1963
Nashville, 1963 Nashville, 1963
Joseph Beuys / Felt TV / 1970