Phases of the Moon | Paul Delvaux (1939-1942)
Paul Delvaux, Phases of the Moon, 1939
“My overriding passion was the books of Jules Verne. […] I was completely fascinated by
the engraving of Riou showing Otto Lidenbrock the wise geologist from Journey to the
Centre of the Earth. I reproduced this for the first time in 1939 in the Phases de la Lune I.”
Paul Delvaux
Carels, Guy and Charles van Deun, Paul Delvaux: his life, (Saint-Idesbald, Belgium: Paul Delvaux Foundation, 2004) 32. ↩︎
The man in the back leading the nude women á la the Pied Piper is Delvaux himself.
Paul Delvaux, Phases of the Moon III., 1942
Paul Delvaux, Phases of the Moon II, 1941