On the way to school II | Photos by Ansel Adams / Eve Arnold / Marc Riboud / John Gutmann / David Vestal / Robert Doisneau / Leonard Freed / Bernard Hoffman, 1935-1979
Schoolchildren at Chew Magna Council School, Somerset, with bicycles that they have
been given as they live too far away from their school to walk, 1935
The first day of school, Portugal, 1936
Tino Petrelli, Children go to school by air, Guiglia, Italy, 1959
Marc Riboud, Turkey, 1955 Eve Arnold, Schoolgirl in Kuban, 1965
John Gutmann, “School Zone,” Chinatown, San Francisco, 1935
David Vestal, Blackwater School, Gila River Indian Community, Arizona, 1966
Greg Girard, Two High school Students, Tokyo, 1979
Robert Doisneau, Les écoliers curieux, Paris, 1953
Bernard Hoffman, A boy riding his bicycle to school, Illinois, 1946 Leonard Freed, Running to school, Leipzig, Germany, 1965
Ansel Adams, School Children, Manzanar, California, 1943 / Hansel Mieth, Children ride to school from outlying ranches, St. Helena, Montana, 1940
Albert Wahrhaftig, School Children, Nazare, Portugal, 1962

On account of the heat wave the school lessons were held outside, To protect the children

On account of the heat wave the school lessons were held outside, To protect the children
against the sun and distractions they carry paper hats, 1935