Painters [*/ ) Apples | Paintings by Paul Cézanne / Henri Matisse / Claude Monet / Paul Gauguin /Vincent van Gogh / Walt Kuhn / Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo, 1877 -1932
Paul Cézanne, The Plate of Apples, 1877
Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo, Apples and grapes, 1889-1890
Paul Cézanne, The Basket of Apples, 1893
Claude Monet, Apples and Grapes, 1880
Vincent van Gogh, Apples, 1887
Walt Kuhn, Apples in the Hay, 1932
Paul Cezanne, Plaster Cupid and the Anatomy, 1895 / Henri Matisse, Apples, 1916
Zinaida Serebryakova, Apples, 1910
“All apples are good in November.”
Henry David Thoreau