Little Lulu | Illusrations by Marge Buell, 1930s – 40s
Little Lulu by Marge (Henderson Buell) – 1939 Ed.

Little Lulu is a comic strip created in 1935 by Marjorie Henderson Buell.
The character, Lulu Moppet, debuted in The Saturday Evening Post on
February 23, 1935.
Marjorie Henderson Buell, with a Little Lulu doll, posing in 1939 for the Philadelphia Record
Marjorie Henderson Buell, who signed her work “Marge”, was a pioneering female cartoonist
who had a long career working on various one-panel gag strips and illustrations. Originally
from Philadelphia, Marge sold her first cartoon to the Public Ledger at age 16. Her cartoons
and illustrations later appeared in magazines like Collier’s, Judge, Life, Country Gentleman
and Ladies’ Home Journal.