Instant Views [o.] Dancing on the beach | Portugal / England / Argentina / Canada / United States / Brazil, 1904 -1966
Dance Students Rehearse on Beach, Walmer, Kent, England, 1934
Morecambe – Lancashire, England, 1939
The Balloon Dance on the beach of California, 1933
Pupils from the International Institute of Margaret Morris Movement
practice on the beach at Sandwich on the Kent coast, England. 1935
People dancing on the beach in swimsuits, 1921
Published by: ‘Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung”
Women dancing on beach, Toronto, Canada, 1920
Brighton Beach in New York City, 1912-13
Bill Perlmutter, A group of girls dance on the beach in Nazaré in Portugal, 1956
Glendale Junior College students dancing on the beach, 1947
Salvador De Bahia, Brazil, 1966