Isadora Duncan | Drawings by Abraham Walkowitz, 1908-1920

Isadora Duncan | Drawings by Abraham Walkowitz, 1908-1920
Abraham Walkowitz, Isadora Duncan, 1910                                      Abraham Walkowitz, Isadora Duncan #29, 1915.

“She was a Muse. She had no laws.  She did not dance according to the rules. 
She created. Her body was music. It was a body electric, like Walt Whitman. 
His body electrics…”

Abraham Walkowitz, 1958
Abraham Walkowitz, Isadora Duncan, 1910

 “Walkowitz, you have written my biography
in lines without words.”

Isadora Duncan, 1916

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Abraham Walkowitz, Isadora Duncan, 1910

“…there are those who convert the body into a luminous
fluidity, surrendering it to the inspiration of the soul.”

Isadora Duncan, 1920

Abraham Walkowitz, Isadora Duncan, 1909                                  Abraham Walkowitz, Isadora Duncan
These two American modernists, painter Abraham Walkowitz and dancer Isadora Duncan,
born in the same year (1878), both artists influenced the development of modern art in the
early twentieth century by blending figurative gesture with abstraction. Duncan grew up in a
free-spirited and artistic household in California and then moved to Europe. Walkowitz
 immigrated to the United States from Russia when he was a child and lived most of his
 life in New York City, where he studied at Cooper Union School and the National
Academy of Design.
Abraham Walkowitz’s The studio 8 East 23rd Street New York
Walkowitz and Duncan met in 1906 in Paris at the studio of the sculptor Auguste Rodin. Deeply
 impressed by Duncan’s musicality and expressivity, Abraham Walkowitz’s obsession with the
 celebrated modern dancer Isadora Duncan sets him apart from the others. Over his lifetime it
 is believed that he created five thousand images of her, dancing . Because Walkowitz’s
renderings of Duncan were produced quickly, they carry an element of improvisational
vitality that matches the dynamic energy of her presence onstage.
Ann Cooper Albright, Modern Gestures: Abraham Walkowitz Draws
 Isadora Duncan Dancing, 2010 
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Abraham Walkowitz- Isadora Duncan Eight Watercolors each, watercolor, ink and pencil on paper
Abraham Walkowitz, Isadora Duncan, 1908

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