Blind Man’s Bluff | Paintings by A. H. Dargelas / F. de Goya / A. E. Paoletti / G. G. Kilburne / H. J. Dillens / L. Saurfelt / T. Kleehaas, 1788-1890
Andre Henri Dargelas (1828–1906), Blind man’s buff
Blind Man’s Buff by Heinrich Leinweber, 1836-1908
Blind Man’s Buff by Edmond Castan, 1817-1892
John Ludwig Krimmel Blind Man’s Bluff, 1814
Leonard Saurfelt, Blind Man’s Bluff
Blind Man’s Bluff by Theodore Kleehaas, 1854-1929
Blind Man’s Bluff Antonio Ermolao Paoletti (1834–1912)
Blind Man’s Bluff by Hendrik Joseph Dillens, 1812-1872
Blind Man’s Buff by George Goodwin Kilburne, 1839-1924
Blind man’s buff is played in a spacious area, such as outdoors or in a large room, in which
one player, designated as “It”, is blindfolded and gropes around attempting to touch the
other players without being able to see them, while the other players scatter and try to
avoid the person who is “it”, hiding in plain sight and sometimes teasing them to
influence them to change direction.
When the “it” player catches someone, the caught player becomes “it”
and the catcher flees from them.
A version of the game was played in Ancient Greece where it was called “copper mosquito.”
The game is played by children in Bangladesh where it is known as Kanamachi meaning
blind fly. One individual is blind-folded in order to catch or touch one of the others who
run around repeating, “The blind flies are hovering fast! Catch whichever you can!”
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