Book//mark – Édouard Levé | Autoportrait, 2005
“I accumulate beginnings.”
“If I travel with someone, I see half as much
of the country as if I traveled by myself.”
“I do not know what to do with my hands when they have nothing to do. ”
“I remember what people tell me better than what I said.”
“I am more attentive to the script of a play
when I read it than when I see it performed.”
“I have less desire to change things than to change my perception of them.”
“I prefer a ruin to a monument.”
“Everything I Write is True, But So What?”
“My voice carries less in the snow.”
“I have never attended a nudist funeral.”
“I wonder where the dreams go that I don’t remember.
“Everything interests me a priori, but not a posteriori.”
“I had an idea for an Amish punk band.”
“I am not an expert in anything.”
“I am not looking to seduce a wearer of Birkenstocks.
I do not like the big toe.”
“At a public urinal the presence of a neighbor delays my micturition.”
“I am slow to notice when someone mistreats me,
it’s always so surprising: evil is somehow unreal.”
“Purées frustrate me because they have no crunch.”
“To describe my life precisely would take longer than to live it.”
“I am calm during reunions. ”
“At the beach girls arouse me less than in the library.”
“I sometimes wonder whether what I do is art or art therapy.”
“I want this epitaph engraved
on my tombstone: “See you soon”
Édouard Levé, Autoportrait, 2005