Prot-a-gonist* Οveracted | Rita Hayworth / Orson Welles, 1947

Orson Welles poses with actress and wife Rita Hayworth on the set of the film
 ‘The Lady from Shanghai’ in 1947 in Los Angeles, California.
“I directed him (Orson) in a scene in The Lady of Shanghai. He said, 
‘Why don’t you watch me and you direct me in this scene?’ so I said
‘Oh fine,’ So I sat in the chair and he said, 
‘Now watch me and tell me what I do whether it is right or wrong’
so I watched it and he finished the scene and he says, ‘Well mama what did 
you think of it?’ and I said ‘You overacted it,’ imagine me telling him that,
but he wanted the truth and I told him. And he was very pleased that I was
honest with him.”
 Rita Hayworth
Orson Welles, The Lady from Shanghai, 1947
Argentine poster
* The slogan in Spanish reads, basically;
“Either love me as I am, or hate me!”

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