Alphabetarion # Books | Jorge Luis Borges, 1941
Egon Schiele, Still Life with Books (Schiele’s Desk),1914 ... "I cannot sleep unless I am surrounded by books." Jorge Luis...
Egon Schiele, Still Life with Books (Schiele’s Desk),1914 ... "I cannot sleep unless I am surrounded by books." Jorge Luis...
Dmitri Kessel, Spain, 1949 . "A book is a garden, an orchard, a storehouse, a party, a company by the...
"What do you want? Better and cheaper food? Lots of new clothes? A dream home with all the latest comforts...
Egon Schiele, Couple enlacé, 1917 . “His body was urgent against her, and she didn't have the heart anymore to...
Edgar Fernhout, Reading Woman in Interior, 1951 . "Closing the book, I find I have left my head inside." Mary...
Hubert Schmalix (Austrian, b. 1952), Cypress Park, Night, 2012 . “Houses are like books: so many of them around you,...
J.D. Salinger, A Girl I Knew, 1948 ( Good Housekeeping Magazine) . "A few weeks later, in July of 1936,...
George Bernard Shaw, floating on a diving platform, which bears the inscription 'What I Think about the Readers', 1935 ....
Ada Thilén, Girl Reading in a Landscape, 1896 . “I read like the flame reads the wood.” Alfred Döblin, 1878-1957
Alexandru Ciucurencu, Reclining Woman Reading, 1939 Alexandru Ciucurencu, Woman reading, 1941. Stereosc2pe >