On [:] Confine | Julien Green, 1983
Map of Timbuktu, 1855 “Paris is a city that might well be spoken of in the plural, as the Greeks...
Map of Timbuktu, 1855 “Paris is a city that might well be spoken of in the plural, as the Greeks...
Shoda Koho, Lake Biwa, 1910 “A traveller learns more than a passenger.” Mark Frost, Twin Peaks: The Final Dossier, 2017...
Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels, 1726 / First edition - Original title: Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. In...
1920s . “One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” Henry Miller, Big Sur and...
A train on the Lucin Cutoff trestle bridge over the Great Salt Lake in Utah, April 1923 Charles Hewitt, Steam...
Leonard Freed, Naples, 1956 ...
Ernest Hemingway, Cojimar Harbor, Cuba, 1935 by Alfred Eisenstaedt . “Don't you ever get the feeling that all your life...
Artur Pastor, Rosalina Pastor, Apúlia, 1952 R. Spira, To the diving board, 1935
Robert McCabe, Athens, 1955 Henri Cartier Bresson, Athens, 1953 Dimitris Harissiadis, Syntagma square,...
Jon Krakauer, Into the Wild, 1996 ...