The Book and the Movie | Things to Come | H.G. Wells / William Cameron Menzies, 1933-1936
The Shape of Things to Come, 1933 / Young H.G. Wells / Things to Come, 1936 dir. William Cameron Menzies...
The Shape of Things to Come, 1933 / Young H.G. Wells / Things to Come, 1936 dir. William Cameron Menzies...
The First Men in the Moon, 1901 H.G. Wells, 1901 ... “What is...
Henry James, Lady Barberina and Other Tales, 1961 P. M. Hubbard, Picture of Millie, 1964...
Müller & Kadeder, Tin-Carousel Airship, hand-painted "There's something in a flying horse, There's something in a huge balloon." William Wordsworth ...
The Invisible Thief, 1909 Segundo de Chomón, Ferdinand Zecca based on the H.G. Wells "The Invisible Man." "The Invisible Thief,...
The Invisible Man is a science fiction novella by H. G. Wells published in 1897. Originally serialized in Pearson's Weekly in 1897, it...
“My days I devote to reading and experiments in chemistry, and I spend many of the clear nights in the ...