Η πόλη των νεκρών | Δούκας Καπάνταης, 2006
Joan Miro, Portrait II, 1938 - Που πάμε μητερούλα όταν πεθαίνουμε;Κι η μητερούλα: -Ακίνητοι, βουβοί θαλαμηπόλοιφυλάνε κάθε νύχτα τις καμπίνες,μη...
Joan Miro, Portrait II, 1938 - Που πάμε μητερούλα όταν πεθαίνουμε;Κι η μητερούλα: -Ακίνητοι, βουβοί θαλαμηπόλοιφυλάνε κάθε νύχτα τις καμπίνες,μη...
Joan Miro, Woman, Star, 1942 "People who don't pay attention to the question of justification are often rather uninteresting, in...
Joan Miró, The Harlequin's Carnival, 1924-25 "It is little silly to be a caricature of something of which you know...
Joan Miró, Danseuse devant le soleil, 1973 “The only conclusion he could draw was that without points of reference, a...
Joan Miró, Femme, Oiseau, 1969 “They say you should always assume the best about peopleuntil they’ve proven themselves to be...
Joan Miró, Sans titre, 1937 "Summer means happy times and good sunshine. It means going to the beach, having fun."...
Joan Miró, Object, Barcelona, spring 1936 . “We speak not only to tell other people what we think, but to...
Joan Miró, Woman, Bird and Star , 1966-73 . “We learn from failure, not from success!” Bram Stoker, Dracula, 1897...
Joan Miró, Two Figures and a Dragonfly, 1936 Joan Miró, Woman Doing Her Hair before a...
Joan Miró, Portrait IV, 1938 ''I overcame myself, the sufferer; I carried my own ashes to the mountains; I invented...