Alphabetarion # Windows | Mieko Kawakami, 2019
Helen Saunders, Atlantic City, 1915 “If you want to know how poor somebody was growing up, ask them how many...
Helen Saunders, Atlantic City, 1915 “If you want to know how poor somebody was growing up, ask them how many...
Josef Čapek, In front of a mirror, 1918 (lithography) “Her voice was amazing, like a 6B pencil” Mieko Kawakami, Heaven,...
Mieko Kawakami, Breasts and Eggs (Natsu Monogatari) Summer Stories, 2019 “Behind my eyelids, I saw dancing patterns mix and break...
James Bolivar Manson, Sparkling Sea, Cornwall, 1920 “Everything was beautiful. Not that there was anyoneto share it with, anyone to...