The Straw Hat | J. S.Sargent / Renoir / Cézanne / V. van Gogh / Modigliani / F. Vallotton / B. Morisot / R. Henri / N. Lytras, 1782-1941

Félix Vallotton, Le Ballon, 1899
John Singer Sargent, A Gust of Wind, 1883-85                             Robert Henri, The Beach Hat, 1914
George2BRomney2B 2BEmma2BHart2Bin2Ba2BStraw2BHatWilliam2BStrang2BThe2BStraw2BHat2B1912
George Romney, Emma Hart in a Straw Hat, 1782-84                                        William Strang, The Straw Hat, 1912
Alexandru2BCiucurencu2B252819032B 2B197725292BYellow2BHat252C2B1941
Alexandru Ciucurencu, Yellow Hat, 1941
The2BStraw2BHat252C2B19302B 2BTamara2Bde2BLempickaIn2BThe2BMiddle2BOf2BSummer252C2B19282B 2BTamara2Bde2BLempicka
Tamara de Lempicka, The Straw Hat, 1930                   Tamara de Lempicka, In The Middle Of Summer, 1928
Alexej von Jawlensky, Lady in a Yellow Straw Hat,  c 1910
Nikolaos Lytras, The Straw Hat, 1925                       Vincent Van Gogh, Self Portrait with Straw Hat, 1887
Winslow2BHomer2B The2BBlue2BBoy252C2B1876
Winslow Homer, The Blue Boy, 1876
van gogh self portrait with straw hat 2Paul2BCezanne252C2BBoy2BWith2Ba2BStraw2BHat2BLEnfant2Bau2Bchapeau2Bde2Bpaille2B96
Vincent Van Gogh, Self-Portrait with a Straw Hat, 1887               Paul Cezanne, Boy With a Straw Hat, 1896
Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida, Boy Eating Grapes, 1890
Pierre2BAuguste2BRenoir2B 2BYoung2BGirl2BWith2BA2BStraw2BHatVincent2BVan2BGogh2BSelf2BPortrait2Bwith2BStraw2BHat2B2B2529
Pierre Auguste Renoir, Girl With A Straw Hat, 1884                          Vincent Van Gogh, Self Portrait with Straw Hat
John Pettie, The Proposal
 Vincent van GoghStill Life With Straw Hat, 1885
William Quiller Orchardson, The Forest Pet, 1871
Amedeo2BModigliani2B 2BPortrait2Bof2BJeanne2BHebuterne2Bin2Ba2Blarge2Bhat252C2Bc.2B1918Self Portrait2Bwith2BStraw2BHat2Band2BPipe252C2B18872B 2BVincent2Bvan2BGogh
Amedeo Modigliani,  Jeanne Hebuterne in a Large Hat, 1918    Vincent van Gogh, Self Portrait with Straw Hat and Pipe, 1887
Charles Deas, Walking the Chalk, 1838
Antonio2BMancini2BWoman2Bin2Ba2BStraw2BHat2B1880Self2BPortrait2Bwith2BBasket2B 2BAntonio2BMancini
Antonio Mancini, Woman in a Straw Hat, 1880                                 Antonio Mancini, Self Portrait with Basket, 1883
Eliseu2BVisconti2B2528Italian252C2B1866 194425292B 2BAmigos2Binsepar25C325A1veis2B255Binseparable2Bfriends255D
Eliseu Visconti,1866-1944, Inseparable Friends
Gustave Caillebotte, Autoportrait au Chapeau d’Eté, 1873                                         J. C. Beckwith, The Straw Hat
Berthe2BMorisot2B 2BSummer2BDay2B 2B1879.
Berthe Morisot, Summer Day, 1879
Camille2BPissarro2B 2BPeasant2BGirl2BWith2BA2BStraw2BHatMorisot2BBerthe2BYoung2BWoman2BWith2BA2BStraw2BHat2Bt
Camille Pissarro, Peasant Girl With A Straw Hat, 1889                                   Berthe Morisot,  Young Woman With A Straw Hat, 1884
The2BMonument2Bto2BChopin2Bin2Bthe2BLuxembourg2BGardens252C2B19092B 2BHenri2BRousseaun
Henri Rousseau, The Monument to Chopin in the Luxembourg Gardens, 1909
18842B 2BGirl2Bwith2Ba2Bstraw2Bhat2B 2BPierre Auguste2BRenoirPierre Auguste2BRenoir2B2528french252C2B184125E225802593191925292BGabrielle2Bau2Bchapeau2Bde2Bpaille252C2B1900.
Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Girl with a straw hat, 1884               Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Gabrielle au Chapeau de Paille, 1900
Berthe2BMorisot2B 2BJulie2BManet2BWith2BA2BStraw2BHatYoung2BGirl2BHolding2Ba2BDoll2B 2BPaul2BC25C325A9zanne
Berthe Morisot, Julie Manet With A Straw Hat                Paul Cézanne, Young Girl Holding a Doll, 1902
Angling252C2B18782B 2BGustave2BCaillebotte21Albert2BLynch2BPeruvian2B1851Young2BGirl2BStanding2BAgainst2Ba2BBackground2Bof2BWheat252C2B18902B 2BVincent2Bvan2BGogh
Gustave Caillebotte, Angling, 1878                 Albert Lynch                Vincent van Gogh, Young Girl Against a Background of Wheat, 1890
Vincent van Gogh, Peasant Girl in a Straw Hat in Front of a Wheatfield, 1890                                        Angela Davies, Summer Hat
Th25C325A9o2Bvan2BRysselberghe2B 2BGirl2Bin2Ba2Bstraw2Bhat2B2528Portrait2Bof2BElisabeth2Bvan2BRysselberghe2529252C2B1901
Théo van Rysselberghe – Girl in a straw hat (Portrait of Elisabeth van Rysselberghe), 1901

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