Alphabetarion # Create | F. Scott Fitzgerald, 1922
Cupid and Psyche, detail by Antonio Canova (1757 – 1822) . "Two souls are sometimes created together and in love...
Cupid and Psyche, detail by Antonio Canova (1757 – 1822) . "Two souls are sometimes created together and in love...
Jean Arp, Constellation aux cinq formes blanches et deux noires, variation III, 1932 Jean Arp, 1953 ...
Constantin Brâncuși, The Prayer, 1907 Constantin Brâncuși...
César, Portrait of Camille Claudel, 1885 William Elborne, Camille Claudel & Jessie Lipscomb, N°117...
The packaging for Hartwig’s chess set, designed by Joost Schmidt Josef Hartwig’s 1924 chess set The packaging for Hartwig’s chess...
Alberto Giacometti, Small self-portrait, 1921 Alberto Giacometti, Bust of Annette VIII, 1962 . "It is impossible to do a thing...
Kai Ziehl "Έχασα το τρένο. Ο σταθμός ήταν ένα μεγάλο σιδηροδρομικό κέντρο. Κοίταξα τριγύρω μου ένα δάσος από σινιάλα. Τερατώδη...
Peter Basch, Catherine Deneuve, Paris, 1961 "Love is suffering. One side always loves more." Catherine Deneuve
The Thinker in Rodin's studio, 1900 ...
Michael Grab Balance by Michael Grab, 2012 Michael Grab “Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science...