The Book and the Movie: The Royal Game / Schachnovelle | Stefan Zweig / Brainwashed, 1960 d. Gerd Oswald
“From my own experience I was well aware of the mysterious attraction of the ‘royal game,’ which, alone among the games devised by man, regally eschews the tyranny of chance and awards its palms of victory only to the intellect, or rather to a certain type of intellectual gift. But is it not already an insult to call chess anything so narrow as a game? Is it not also a science, an art, hovering between these categories like Muhammad’s coffin between heaven and earth, a unique yoking of opposites, ancient and yet eternally new, mechanically constituted and yet an activity of the imagination alone, limited to a fixed geometric area but unlimited in its permutations, constantly evolving and yet sterile, a cogitation producing nothing, a mathematics calculating nothing, an art without an artwork, an architecture without substance and yet demonstrably more durable in its essence and actual form than all books and works, the only game that belongs to all peoples and all eras, while no one knows what god put it on earth to deaden boredom, sharpen the mind, and fortify the spirit? Where does it begin, where does it end?”
Stefan Sweig, Chess Story, 1942
The Book & the Movie: Letter from an Unknown Woman / Stefan Zweig (1922) | Max Ophüls (1948)
Οι άνθρωποι που διακρίνονται από κάποια μονομανία, που είναι καρφωμένοι σε μια έμμονη ιδέα, ασκούσαν ανέκαθεν μια έλξη πάνω μου. Γιατί όσο πιο περιορισμένα είναι τα όρια ενός πνεύματος τόσο, απ’ την άλλη, φτάνει να αγγίζει το Άπειρο. Αυτοί οι άνθρωποι, οι φαινομενικά περιθωριακοί και απόβλητοι, χτίζουν με τα δικά τους παράξενα υλικά, σαν τους τερμίτες, ένα είδος μικρόκοσμου, που είναι ταυτόχρονα μοναδικός και αξιοσημείωτος.
Stefan Zweig / Σκακιστική νουβέλα /1942 / μτφ. Μαρία Αγγελίδου
Chess demands total concentration
-Bobby Fischer
You need not play well – just help your opponent to play badly
-Genrikh Chepukaitis
When your house is on fire, you cant be bothered with the neighbors.
Or, as we say in Chess, if your King is under attack you don’t worry
about losing a Pawn on the Queen’s side
-Gary Kasparov