Caricature maps of the world | Paul Hadol / Sebastian Munster / William Harvey / Heinrich Bunting (1537-1915)
Heinrich Bunting, Map of Europe shaped as a virgin, 1582
Sebastian Munster, Europe, 1570 Sebastian Munster, Europe as Queen of the World, 1537

Heinrich Bunting, Clover Leaf Map, 1581
Heinrich Bunting, Asia in the Form of Pegasus, 1581

Meeting of the Atlantic and the Pacific, The Kiss of the Oceans, 1915
Humorous Map of Europe, 1870
Paul Hadol, Humorous Map of Europe, 1870
Germany, 1869 France, 1869
Italy, 1869 Ireland, 1869
Holland & Belgium, 1869 Denmark, 1869
The maps are from Geographical Fun, or Humorous Outlines of Various Countries, published by Hodder and Stoughton in 1869. The author, William Harvey writing under the pseudonym Aleph, created a series of twelve maps showing various countries as curious people in the great tradition of English caricaturists.
The idea behind the maps was taken from sketches drawn by a fifteen year old girl wishing to amuse her sick brother confined to bed.
The Histomap / John Sparks / 1931
Alluvial maps of the Lower Mississippi River Valley / Harold Fisk / 1944
Draw a map to get lost / Yoko Ono / 1964