Days [ ) Distance | Federico Garcia Lorca, 1898-1936

Leonard Freed The River Rhine Germany 1965

Leonard Freed, The River Rhine, Germany, 1965

“We’re all like the little sailor. From the harbors we hear the strains of accordions and the murky soapy noises of the docks, from the mountains we receive the dish of silence that the shepherds eat, but we don’t hear more than our own distances. And what distances without end and without doors and without mountains!”

Federico Garcia Lorca, 1898-1936

Painters [*/ ) Color drawings | Federico García Lorca, 1925 -34
Romance Sonâmbulo | A poem by Federico García Lorca, 1898 – 1936
Persons [ ] A Friendship pierced by the Arrows of Saint Sebastian | Federico García Lorca, Salvador Dali, Cadaqués / Spain, Summer 1925-27

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