Days [ ) The Flux of Opinions | Søren Kierkegaard (1938)
Peter Keetman, 1001 Faces, 1956 . “No, like worldly contempt, worldly honor is a whirlpool, a play of confused forces,...
Peter Keetman, 1001 Faces, 1956 . “No, like worldly contempt, worldly honor is a whirlpool, a play of confused forces,...
Young artist falls asleep with ‘papier maché’ mask of Marlene Dietrich on her lap, 1950 "Don’t you know that a...
Kira Muratova, Long Farewells, 1971 “To forget — this is the desire of all people, and when they encounter something...
'' Σε προκαλῶ σε πάλη, ἔβγα, μην κρύβεσαι!'' '' Ἀναθεματισμένη τύχη, σε περιμένω. Δεν θέλω να σε νικήσω...