Picasso is still influencing me | David Hockney
David Hockney, The Student – Homage to Picasso, 1973
“Picasso is still influencing me. Of course, I haven’t got that kind of energy, or skill.”
David Hockney
David Hockney, Artist and Model, 1973-74
” I was always struck by how Picasso had no interest in music.”
“I think Picasso was, without doubt, the greatest portraitist
of the 20th century, if not any other century.”
David Hockney
Days [ ) The Arrival of Spring | David Hockney, 2011
Substance and Void | Sculptures by Pablo Picasso, 1950s-1960s
Persons [ ] Life with Picasso | Françoise Gilot, 1944-53