Visiting: Museums (III) | Photos by Herbert List / Elliott Erwitt / Eve Arnold / David Seymour / Rene Burri / Ferdinando Scianna / Yale Joel / Henri Cartier-Bresson
Elliott Erwitt, Acropolis Museum in Athens, 1963
David Seymour, Visitors observing a statue at the National Archaeological Museum, Naples, Italy, 1952
Eve Arnold, Children at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1961
Ferdinando Scianna, Jorge Luis Borges, Galleria Nazionale, Sicilia -Palermo, Itália (1984)
Alecio de Andrade, Louvre, 1968
Rene Burri, Zurich, 1955 Sculpture by Constantin Brâncuși, The sun salutes the cock
Henri Cartier-Bresson, Naples, Italy, 1960
Elliott Erwitt, London, 1993, Tate Gallery
Installation view, 1961 Carnegie International
(In 1961, the First Prize in sculpture was awarded to Walking Man by Alberto Giacometti)
The Codex Sinaiticus, a copy of the Bible hand-written in Greek, at the British Museum in London, 1968.
It was written on parchment in the 4th century.
Yale Joel, Jacques Tati in the Sculpture Garden of the Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1958
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